Sunday 9th – 11th August
All sea days with a variety of ship board activities. GD has been to a cooking class, I have been to my bridge playing and we have joined our friends at trivial pursuits. We’ve seen a show or two and a movie. I’ve actually played with some bridge players who know less than me, so I must be learning some of the finer points. The GD bought himself a big cookbook at his lesson and since he is the cook (sorry, chef) at our place, I can now expect some even more spectacular dinners than usual when we get home. Our ship is on go slow as the engine problem has only be partly rectified. This means we will not be docking at Bermuda at 6pm this evening as planed. The laws do not allow big vessels to navigate their channels into port during hours of darkness and we are about 4 hours behind schedule. We will now dock about 8am tomorrow morning. This has no effect on us personally but some people had tours to a huge market out of town this evening, so they will now miss out. Apparently whatever they need to repair the engine problem is waiting at Bermuda, thus a tender will go ashore this evening and pick up the necessary parts and work on the engine overnight. GD has gone off for a hair cut and then another cooking lesson and I’m off to my morning bridge lesson. Have a great day.
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