Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It is the start of 11 days of planting by the Moon.
All is doing well from the last planting cycle
To day I planted some more seeds:-
Buttercrunch Lettuces, Dwarf Brolotti Beans, some more Leek, Telephone Peas,
and some Dwarf Butter beans, Bush Cherokee Wax Beans.
I have a plague of Potato beetles, any suggestions??

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

New addition to my garden 2 Turkish
brown fig trees, hope to get fruit next season.

the Broad Beans is up and doing well, I pick them very young and steamed the whole bean.
The veggie garden is doing well, I was concerned about all the rain we have had in the last couple of weeks as I had planted seedlings as well as seeds and Garlic seed bulbs, but all is up and looking well apart from one lot of the garlic.
Yesterday I watered all the new seedlings with Thrive to give them a kick start, it always works.

Time to feed the blog again, times gets away
heaving had an excellent crop of eggplant this season here is one of many gigantic and very tender crops.
Sliced 15 millimeter and fried in Olive oil served with Spaghetti bolognese, delicious!!!