To day is fathers day. As usual we have a different breakfast as from the rest of the week. As I had started to plan breakfast in my mind, Gemini was very firm about only having a soft boiled egg and a slice of buttered Rye. She told me that I had to watch my sugar level!!,
I reluctantly agreed thinking that I would make up for it at dinner.
I will be cooking a Lamb Shoulder slow roast a la Jamie Oliver.
Already having planed to make an other Brie for the Cave, later to go into the deep freezer for later use over the festive season.
Surprise surprise; soon after returning from Woollies with 6 liter of milk and just started the cheese making process I hear people coming through the front door (which is open most of the day when we are home), shouting out Happy Fathers Day, the Brisbane and near by based kids with a Friend turned up with morning tea, Bread rolls, Danish Pastry etc.
All organised a few weeks ago between the gang and Gemini, therefor the reason for the light breakfast only!!!!!
In addition to all goodies we had to break into a couple of the hard cheeses that are just about ready, and they passed with flying colour.
I will still have the Lamb Roast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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