Sunday, May 9, 2010

The veggie garden has started to yield the first of the winter crop:
we have picking bean, and a new lot will soon be ready, also pulling carrots, lots of lettuces, Celery etc., I gave the garden its bi-annually feed of trace elements, my Lemon tree is producing new leaves that with yellow and green veins, I will be giving it an extra dressing of Iron-sulphate,
the rest of the citrus trees is looking fine

Gemini admiring her Art at the new Gallery that I am in the process of setting up for her in a spare consulting room at the Clinic,

the hothouse has now got the ends on, the truss tomatoes are cropping well and the fruit is perfect without any blemishes, the cucumber is now flowering, hoping for fruit before long

a good crop of eggplant, the bush is 2 1/2 years old and crops profusely, I have just cut back the bush it was getting on for 4 feet and spreading, cut it back to about 18 inches high, and it will regrow in no time.

Heidi and the grand children visiting from North Queensland, having morning tea with home baked scones

Gemini sorting green from ripe small tomatoes from a bush that came up in the Rose bed, from where it to go

The green tomatoes being washed before pickeling

Pickeling in progress

the final product, they need to be left to mature for about 3 weeks for full flavour